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The Nature of Randomness - 2019
What if the shape of a rock, the flexibility of grass, a mosquito fly, a breath, every single meaningless moment you experience, were “random”. Consequently, everything would be “random”. Nonetheless, this is not the case. Indeed, the whole universe is a complex system, consisting of physical, chemical, and space-time interactions. This system is called Nature.
We, as humans, know that perfectly. However, we often define as “random” all the events that go beyond our understanding and our intentions.
“The Nature of randomness” aims to explore and discredit the idea of “randomness”.
In order to do so, the canvas directly and intermittently interacts with Nature itself and colors. During this Nature-canvas interaction, all parts and colors getting stuck on the composition appear as a result of randomness, but in reality, they are not accidental.
“The Nature of randomness” also intends to explore the concept of constant alteration of reality as we know it. Similar to “randomness”, the constant transformation of reality is due to natural laws.
Everything changes over time, including the components incorporated on the canvas. Therefore, all the canvas will change colors, shape, and consistency over time. This process depicts our powerlessness against natural laws.
The artist is charmed and obsessed with the topic of constant alteration of reality. This fascination can be observed in many of her projects, including “IaMPERFECTIONS”, “Shades” e “Tutto Scorre - Tutto Diviene”.
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